Category Archives for Podcast

Podcast: Swan Levine House

The third episode of the If Walls Could Dream podcast is here! Today, we are touring a hospital that became a bnb and art studio in the small town of Grass Valley, CA. This unique and charming bnb was lovingly restored to tell the history of its past.

Special thanks to Howard Levine for sharing his story.

Podcast: Copenhagen City Hall Part 2

The second episode of the If Walls Could Dream podcast is here! Today, Kristoffer, our favorite city hall tour guide, tells us how he discovered the hidden meaning behind the stairwell. You aren’t gonna want to miss this one!

Special thanks to Kristoffer Sahlholdt for sharing his story.

Podcast: Copenhagen City Hall Part 1

If Walls Could Dream is launching a podcast! It’s all about the stories hidden within the walls of everyday buildings. I believe every building has a story to tell, but it’s up to us to listen. I have loved writing about buildings here for the past nine years, and I think I’ve learned a lot about how to “read” buildings, but I wanted to be able to invite you all into the stories better and I hope this podcast will do just that. Join me as we go around the globe, chasing stories of everyday buildings with extraordinary dreams.

Special thanks to Kristoffer Sahlholdt for sharing his story.